On a serious note:

I found a blog that I wrote in 2004.  Yeah, they were around back then!  I had been drug free for about a year – everything free.  I’d say it’s been ‘freeing’ but I never thought 1 year would turn in to almost 15.  I’m trying to find a picture of me back then to really set the mood…

I was invincible!

If you’ve never heard me give my testimony or read it, or watched the video or read the article… you should.  All of that seems so far away.

Without further ado…

Here’s the link.

auntie sue
Look at those pink dreads!

Hopefully one day I’ll return to this girl in the picture.  She was strong and on fire!  I get jealous of her zeal some days.

On a different serious note.  My dad’s birthday was yesterday.  Shortly before he died I remember him saying he was proud of me for the first time.  For a brief moment it made all of the struggle worth it.  If he could see me now…

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