This Place

I was on my way home from work last night thinking about some things that have been going on. It’s been a rough month. So I was trying to make a positive list in my mind. It was a short list but it reminded me that we should celebrate the small victories.
Here’s one: I’ve lost 35 lbs. I found some jeans I had packed up thinking they’d never fit again. They fit again. My favorite bra also fits again. That’s something you know now.
It’s a struggle, but I have every tool I need to succeed as long as I just keep at it.

I went to a financial seminar of sorts and it really struck me when he was speaking about being able to fund our dreams. I just happen to have some pretty big kingdom dreams that are quite costly; but here’s the thing, some of it is free. God really tugged on my heart that night. Why am I not serving and working on the parts I’m already prepared for?
If you’re not familiar, I want to be a church planter. From the ground up. If you’ve ever read a post about mission trips I’ve been on you know that it’s my heart.
I’ve spent so much time trying to fund the next trip, forgetting that my own city is my mission field.
So I’ve started going to a new church.
I went to get some coffee on my way to church then ended up at a totally different one.
I just showed up and fit right in.
Don’t get me wrong, I really liked going to New Horizon, but I never really found my place there. I kept trying to force it, but I think my season is closing there. I got what I needed for the time and that was my encouragement to press on.
This new church is small and meets in a community center in Hillsborough, but the Spirit of God is so alive in that place.
I’ve been so far from where I should be for so long that I can finally breath. Like being lost in the woods and you finally get to the road and can see the lights of the city.

God celebrates our small victories. He rejoices with us when we succeed and more so when we are fulfilling our destiny.

I am so ready for the next season. Like… Soooooooo ready, y’all.

Here’s a song I wrote about this moment a couple years ago…

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